The daily lives of Indonesian indigenous peoples who are famous for tattoos

In general, tattoos are a sign that tribal peoples use to distinguish themselves from each other, and they are also a distinctive mark of a race, tribe, or family.
The origin of tattoos in the tribe. It dates back to two thousand years ago. Early Polynesians made albatross bones or wood into awl or rake-shaped cones with "ink" which is made of a mixture of plant ash and grease and then hit it with a mallet to permanently let the color go into the dermis. This is the earliest tattoo.
In addition to Polynesian tattoos as a mark of the tribe. Maori, another originator of tribal tattoos.
Each tattoo pattern is unique to the Maori. Just like a living resume, it records their career, their status in the tribe, their families, and their achievements.
Tribal chiefs have a pattern called "Titty" stabbed on their foreheads to distinguish them from ordinary people. Generally speaking, the more patterns a person has on his face, the higher his status. So we can judge that tattoos are very important among tribal peoples.
We live in a modern metropolis. It's hard to imagine what daily lives of a rare mysterious tribe that insists on its own culture lives look like. A report I just read recently satisfied my curiosity.
According to the British Daily Mail, a tattoo tribe of about 64,000 people lives on the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia's West Sumatra province. They are known for their distinctive tattoo marks and sharpening their teeth with a chisel
Recently, the 19-year-old photographer Muhammad lived in this tribe for a few days and took a set of photos for the tribe to reveal the daily life of this tattoo tribe. The scene was very shocking.
The Mentawai tribe lives a semi-nomadic life, living on hunting and picking. They are famous for their unique tattoos. They use bamboo, wood, and weeds to build houses. They like to decorate the house with various animal skulls from hunting. In the picture, the old Mentawai warrior lit a hand-rolled cigarette.  The background is his house, covered with animal skulls.
A female repairs a handmade fishing net.
Two tribal women wear traditional handmade dresses.
A young boy helps a woman to wash cassava.
All social life of the clan is based on clan supremacy. 30-80 people in one clan
Mentawai’s houses are built with bamboo, wood, and grass.
Mentawai woman fishing in the river.
A Mentawai warrior with a knife and a spear.
Tribal women's straw skirts and fishing nets are handmade. Photographers said that women can walk around without any clothes, and their lives depend entirely on natural resources.
Strange tattoo on the old man.
The old man shows the child how to weave palm leaves.
A man is walking through a field where vegetables grow.
Mentawai warrior wearing a traditional necklace and headdress.
Although the lifestyle is very primitive, everyone in the Mentawai tribe is happy. Most men are regarded as heroes in the clan
The Mentawai people believe that all living things have souls, including plants. The witch is responsible for communicating with all souls to maintain interracial harmony.
When outsiders came, the Mentawai welcomed them. They are happy to show their way of life and environment to the outsiders.
This Mentawai family, like all the families in the tribe, uses the most basic natural resources to make daily necessities
Mentawai people use bows and arrows for hunting.
A female elderly indigenous is smoking
Indigenous people holding a knife with tattoos on their bodies and legs and sharpened teeth.
Indigenous people holding a knife with tattoos on his body and legs and he sharpened teeth.
A little boy puts the edible caterpillars he found in the leaves and continues to help his mother find more caterpillars.
A woman is making flour with sago.
Little boy helps the mother to work
Until today, the Mentawai tribe still asks the witch to communicate with the ghost to avoid doom and disease. In fact, they believe that the witch can solve any problems.
Although isolated from the world, it has its own peace here.

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Oscar double nominated her, turned out to be an tattoo enthusiast

Did you watch this Oscar? The competition is too fierce. First of all, congratulations to Renee Zellweger for being the best actress. She has experienced ups and downs but has not given up. She is really happy for her!
Renee Zellweger
Although Scarlett Johansson did not win the award, it is a certainty to get a double nomination.
Scarlett Johansson
Winning or not winning, let's not say, this evening dress really matches her! There are good-looking tattoos behind
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson, Hollywood's sexy symbol, has shaped many screen characters from the film for many years.
The cute nanny in "Nanny's Diary"
Wife in “Lost in Translation
Scarlett Johansson
Gentle maid in “Het meisje met de parel”
The free and easy American girl in “Vicky Cristina Barcelona”
Scarlett Johansson
And Natasha Romanoff characters, which have been popular in recent years
Scarlett Johansson
No matter what role she plays, as long as she is present, it will make people lose their eyes.
Scarlett Johansson
There is really such a person in this world, as long as she exists, will make people feel very beautiful.
Scarlett Johansson
Her acting has always been controversial, but who is not slowly improving except for their talent.
Scarlett Johansson
In addition to her acting career, Scarlett is also actively involved in various social events, shooting public welfare short films, and many movie stars taking to the streets to protest for women.
Scarlett Johansson
Hold charity books, raise money for Puerto Rico, which was devastated by the hurricane, and more. The good-looking acting skills are also constantly improving, and they are also actively participating in social welfare.
Scarlett Johansson
Not only that, but Scarlett is also an avid tattoo enthusiast, and in an interview, she confessed that she was addicted to tattoos.
Scarlett Johansson
This is her first tattoo, a sunrise picture of the sun rising from the sea, and the colors are a little bit watercolor and pastel. She said she would be happy every time she saw this tattoo.
Scarlett Johansson
The horseshoe-shaped pattern with the words "lucky you" on it has the meaning of praying for good luck.
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett has a very obvious wrist tattoo on her right wrist, which says "I ❤️NY". Scarlett is a New Yorker, and she has expressed her love for New York in interviews more than once. The meaning of this tattoo is the same.
Scarlett Johansson
Eagle tattoo on right waist.
Scarlett Johansson
When Avengers: Infinity War was released, they went to the same tattoo together to commemorate this day and this relationship. The pattern is a capital A, and there are 6 numbers inlaid on it, representing the original 6-member group of Marvel's The Avengers.Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett had beautiful rose vines on her back, and there was a lovely lamb beside the vine. It is said that this pattern was patterned for daughter rose. In 2014, widow and Romain Dauriac's daughter rose was born, and the two divorced in 2017. Because Scarlett's work involves traveling around and spending time with her daughter, she has her daughter's name tattooed on her body to ease the feelings of missing her.
Scarlett Johansson
Seeing Scarlett's small tattoos, I feel that she also belongs to the type of whimpering. Each tattoo has a unique meaning. Whether it is a star or an ordinary person, they are writing their own stories through tattoos.
Scarlett JohanssonScarlett Johansson

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How can I understand the tattoo on Rapper's face

In the past two weeks, both Post Malone and Chris Brown have added their new tattoos to their faces. For musicians like Post Malone and Chris Brown, tattoos have become commonplace, and facial tattoos are not. What's new, but both of these have caused a lot of discussion on social platforms.


Over time, the public's tolerance for tattoos has been increasing, but when this calligraphy and paintings appear on the skin of the face, they can always become the news, even if the person who is the main character of the news is not at all doing such things It's surprising that whenever we talk about things like Gucci Mane, Migos, 21 Savage, and a series of rappers, people still think of this accessory outside their field of expertise first.

21 Savage

"After the face tattoo, they can only make music seriously, otherwise it will be difficult to find a job." Such a mocking joke seems to be the most reasonable explanation for facial tattoos by rappers, but facial tattoos really do what we remember. Is it bad?

Facial tattoo origins

Ta Moko

The history of tattooing can even follow the slave period. In this way, slave owners put their own labels on slaves and accompany them throughout their lives. In addition to this purpose, facial tattoos are also regarded as a punishment for offenders. Since the Song Dynasty, China has set a precedent for facial tattoos as criminal law.

At the same time, in addition to the above negative purposes, the tattoo of the face was originally inspired by soldiers. At the same time, the tattoo of the face has a great relationship with the regional religion. In the New Zealand Aboriginal Maori people, Ta Moko (facial tattoos) is usually found in people of higher social status. In addition to dividing the social hierarchy, the elegant and luxurious tattoos of the Maori face are also used to attract the opposite sex, so when the facial tattoo appeared from the beginning, it was given different meanings because of different cultural backgrounds.

Derek Ridgers

The first communities to have tattoos on their faces were the Punk of the time and the subcultures associated with it. They show their dissatisfaction with society in the form of tattoos. For political and economic reasons, people at the bottom of society such as Punk, Skinhead, Goth, New Romantic, and Teddy Boy have become marginal figures in society, and they refuse to The way society generates social relationships is by tattooing on the face, because this is where everyone can see it at first glance.Skinhead

Derek Ridgers, a photographer who recorded the youth subcultures of that era with a camera, once said in an interview, "At that time, young people expressed their antisocial emotions in this way, and this was their only way. They used The tattoo on the face conveys the message to the community, "I will never be a compliant social person, and I will not disdain."

Facial tattoos influenced by gang culture

tattoo man

I once wrote a blog about removing facial tattoos from gang member(After removing the tattoo, the style of previous Gangsters changed)Facial tattoos are symbols that distinguish different gangs and symbolize the loyalty of the gang members to the organization. Similarly, investigations have shown that another purpose of facial tattoos is to intimidate opponents in "fights." Unlike the tattoos of Punk's backstreet workshops, prestigious gang tattoo artists will perform facial tattoos for gangsters if they have tattoos on their entire bodies, otherwise, they will be rejected.

Birdman and Lil Wayne

So before people like Lil Wayne and Birdman had tattoos on their faces, the rest of their bodies were basically covered with various patterns. The "Cash Money" tattoos on them are also considered to be related to the most notorious gang Blood. Lil Wayne and Birdman are also the earliest mainstream faces that have left their mark on the face.

tattooed man

Facial teardrop tattoos by Lil Wayne, The Game, Birdman, and others are a very common gang tattoo. A more common interpretation is: hollow teardrops represent the murder of one's relatives and friends by other gang members, while solid teardrops have died from events other than murder, and half-filled teardrops represent that the tattooer has died for himself Revenge of murdered relatives and friends ... Sometimes the tears stabbed by these inks can also reflect the criminal law that these gang members were subjected to in prison.

MS-13 member

Jared Joseph Leto joker

In addition to teardrops, another more common gangster facial tattoo is "MS-13". It represents Mara Salvatrucha, an international criminal organization that originated in Los Angeles. MS-13 and 18th Street gangs have transformed the North Central Triangle into the highest homicide rate in the world. Facial tattoos have also become synonymous with thugs because of various gangs. In the movie "SUICIDE SQUAD", the corner of Joker also has the word "Damaged" and the letter "J" representing his identity.

Facial tattoos in pop culture

Sports Illustrated

In 2003, King Tyson became the most well-known facial tattooer in the early 21st century. The totem pattern surrounding Mike Tyson's left eye is not the same as the gang tattoo mentioned above, and his original idea was A heart-shaped pattern was placed on the entire face but was rejected by the tattoo artist. In the 2008 documentary "Tyson", Mike Tyson also interpreted his final totem tattoo, which is similar to the earliest traditional Maori tattoo. Tyson hopes to use this tattoo to deter his opponents, while at the same time another reason It's "This pattern is cool."

Gucci Mane

Post Malone

The pattern on Mike Tyson's eye sockets became one of the most famous facial tattoos in the 21st century that has nothing to do with gang culture, and it also changed the public's perception of facial tattoos to some extent. After 8 years, another person who opened a new moment in the history of hip-hop because of facial tattoos is Gucci Mane. In 2011, the ice cream on Gucci Mane's face made almost all the media scramble to report on this musician from Atlanta. Before that, Gucci Mane had rarely reported from outside the music field. , This ice cream pattern has nothing to do with the gang. Gucci Mane reads in his autobiography that "any other person's evaluations and thoughts about me have nothing to do with me." And this "IDGAF" attitude and concept also became the credo of rappers who later tattooed their faces. The rebellious Post Malone struck "stay away" on his forehead just to anger his mother.


Kerwin Frost

As a pioneer of "SoundCloud Rapper", this move by Gucci Mane opens the door to a new world for young people who are either a member of "SoundCloud Rapper" or an audience of "SoundCloud Rapper". The Blueface on the XXL 2019 Freshman Class tattooed Benjamin Franklin's avatar on his face, as well as the SoundCloud logo on his arm. Of course, there are exceptions. Kerwin Frost (founder of creative group Spaghetti Boys), who is not a member of "SoundCloud Rapper", just puts a long pencil on the cheek for "fun".

Lil Peep

tattoo man

After that, the rapper of the new era has much more tolerance for facial tattoos. Even after the death of Lil Peep, many relatives and friends put the "Crybaby" pattern on his brows on his face in memory of him. Such a story also happened after the death of XXXTentacion. These tattoos that appeared on the musician's face after leaving the gang background are no longer scary, and even with temperature.

Facial tattoos on fashion shows

Gucci 2017 SpringSummer

In addition to the gangsters and musicians mentioned above, facial "tattoos" are also constantly appearing in the fashion field. In Gucci's Spring / Summer 2017 show, Alessandro Michele asked the Latvian Asian model Lorens to show the face of British romantic poet William Blake's "Songs of Innocence and Experience", a move that even made facial tattoo pioneer Gucci Mane himself I was surprised when I saw it.

Givenchy 1997 Spring

At the Givenchy show in 1997, John Galliano also allowed models with "tattoo" makeup to participate in the spring show of the year.

tattoo girl

In the 2013 Chanel holiday series, a female model with a black "double C" logo on the corner of her eye also appeared. Interestingly, this part is usually marked by gang members with teardrops with a more extreme meaning. These events are all showing that the facial tattoo culture from the marginal communities at the bottom of the society is being repackaged by fashion brands and accompanied by their "output" of luxury products worth 10,000 yuan to the public.

Justin Bieber

But unfortunately, the behavior of "face tattoo" on the show did not seem to be bought by these subcultural communities. Justin Bieber told GQ in an interview shortly after the cross tattoo on his face. People's acceptance depends on whether they have the right purpose. Obviously, the fashion brand's misappropriation of marginal subcultural communities is open to question.

ChuckyIn 2016, models with exaggerated facial tattoos also appeared on the HBA's spring and summer show, but unlike the former, Shayne Oliver and his HBA were not dubbed "appropriating subculture" for using this model. The accusation, because the birth of the HBA brand, arises from marginal communities and subcultures. The model who appeared on the show field just represents this community.

Even if facial tattoos have a higher tolerance and audience nowadays, just as Justin Bieber, who has grown up, said, "whether it has the right purpose" is an important criterion for evaluating a facial tattoo. Of course, you can also write the silent "IDGAF" on your face with ink, just like Gucci Mane.
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A 9 years old German girl becomes tattoo artist

At the age of 9, most of the children should be busy every day between school and various interest classes, or they may be dreaming about the future of growing up with their friends after dinner.
But everyone's life and growth process is an infinitive, and the content of life experience may also be thousands of miles away!
The little girl in the picture is named Maya, from southern Germany. As young as 9 years old, she "goes to work" in her mother's tattoo studio and tattoos guests. Maya's job is not to help her mother, but to complete the work independently as a tattoo artist.

Maya's mother said in an interview that Maya began to show an interest in tattoos when she was about 2 years old, always holding tattoo machines on her feet.
Maya's interest in tattoos is even stronger because of her mother's tattoos. Her parents were Maya's first client. They used their bodies as Maya's "test field" to practice techniques for her and her mother would teach her tattoo skills when she was free.
The child's imagination is always wild, and she can use the human body as a blank paper and draw on it as she wants. Describe a variety of plants, animals, or geometric patterns with messy lines and unexpected colors. It is unique with other adult works.
Many customers in the store slowly noticed this cute little girl and expressed their willingness to let Maya create for herself. She can now use the tattoo machine completely independently without the help of her parents.
Most importantly, Maya tattooed the customer and looked beautiful after healed. Her tattoo skills are comparable to those of a tattoo artist three times her age. Her parents made her brave in pursuing tattoo art and designed a small table for her in the tattoo studio for her to design patterns.
maya's tattoo
Maya always likes to stay in the studio. To her, tattoos are as common as drawing on paper. She has a lot of adult friends who want her to design tattoos, so she started to create more and more works. But Maya works only when she wants to, and it always depends on her mood.

Tattoos are usually not the best way to make parents proud, but for Noko Nishigaki, 11, the situation is different. Originally from Japan and currently living in Amsterdam, Noko has been studying tattoos with her father's world-renowned Japanese tattoo artist Gakkin since she was six.
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo-1Noko Nishigaki's tattoo-1
At the age of 6, she first tried tattoos under the guidance of her dad, but at that time her skills were not mature
Noko Nishigaki
Dad asked Noko to practice drawing on notepad first, then practice on silicone and dolls.
Noko Nishigaki
NoKo began to paint the birds and plants he painted on the paper over and over again on the practice skin, slowly exploring the practice, and learning how to use tattoo pens.
Noko Nishigaki's tattooNoko Nishigaki's tattooNoko Nishigaki
Her tattooing skills have also matured a lot under the careful teaching of her father. Finally, when NoKo was about 10 years old, Dad said that she could let her do tattoos for her guests. When a customer came to NoKo tattoos at first, Dad always stared more nervously than NoKo.
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo
At the age of 11, she already has dozens of customers. Although the number is not large, every guest likes this attentive and lovely little girl and will take pictures with NoKo in the end.
Noko Nishigaki
Unlike dad's delicate tattoo, NOKO's is more childlike.
Noko Nishigaki
Mushrooms of various shapes ↓
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo
Although the clothes are not fancy, there are always some bright tattoos on her.
Noko Nishigaki
In fact, these tattoos are just tattoo stickers, because Noko is too young, so parents only allow her to wear tattoo stickers.
Noko Nishigaki
In addition to work, Noko goes to school the same as other children, so she only has time to help people tattoo on Saturday.

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What is inkless tattoo

Everyone loves tattoos for different reasons, but one thing is certain, everyone likes the unique feeling that tattoos bring to us. There are no two identical tattoos. Even the works of the same tattoo artist, different carriers, the tattoos behind the upper body are not the same.


As we all know, some fashionistas' pursuit of innovation has always been the driving force behind the development of the tattoo industry.

When the innovation of design can no longer meet our pursuit, we start to work on the expression of tattoos.
Whether it's Trash Polka, stabbing or minimalism, these outstanding innovations have been refreshing. It is amazing to develop a new pattern from the existing foundation, so what I want to share today is "tattoo without tattoo inks".


But does this transparent tattoo really exist? It sounds a lot like the emperor's new clothes, but it does exist.

Yes, there is a tattoo without ink. The same principle as commonly known as "pigeon blood tattoo" has the following:
1.Produce the final artwork through the principle of skin scars
2.Will go through the process of ordinary tattoos
3.Suitable for simple line design
4.No ink marks


Why invent inkless tattoos?
The whole process of getting an inkless tattoo is the same as any other normal tattoo process, and even in order to show obvious trace effects, the tattoo process is more painful. Inkless tattoos are relatively simpler than standard ink designs, so they are great for people who want a low-key design.


If your life or work determines that you are not suitable for obvious tattoos. No ink can solve this problem. In addition to the lack of ink, the tattoo machine still pierces the skin and leaves traces of the tattoo.

Here are some features:
1.Thicker, heavier lines leave scars and usually produce better results
2.Avoid too much detail.
3.Tattooist may need multiple repairs
4.Avoid matte surfaces; simple lines work better
But be aware that inkless tattoos can be more painful and cumbersome. The ink in a normal tattoo is both a lubricant and a coagulant. If you choose inkless tattoos to be psychologically prepared, inkless tattoos are more painful than normal tattoos.

Inkless tattoos also require normal care, and redness and scarring will gradually disappear. Like ordinary new tattoos, the post-care here is usually hygienic in detail, but much less clean when wiping new tattoos.


Like normal tattoos, the initial redness and irritation around the tattoo will gradually disappear. Then, a red raised scar of the actual design is left, and the scar gradually fades to a skin tone, or a little deeper. Over time, the scar will gradually return to normal skin color, but it will show up in the case of vigorous exercise or redness of the skin after drinking.


It is important to understand that this is a tattoo formed by the principle of scarring. If you have a severe scar, don't try it easily.
Because there is no ink, it should have been a permanent tattoo, and it will fade over time.

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3 Steps to teach you to get a perfect tattoo

"COVID-19", an unprepared disease, quietly invaded our lives just before the New Year. As we all know, after the New Year is a small peak season for the tattoo industry, because tattoos have a recovery period, and they can be exposed in the summer after recovery. However, it is precisely this epidemic that has become an insurmountable obstacle between tattoo artists and tattoo lovers.

The furthest distance in the world is not that you can't make an appointment for a good tattoo artist, but that you know that the favorite tattoo artist who is often difficult to make appointments has been very idle recently, but still has not had the chance to see him.


So, during the epidemic, should you put aside your tattoo plan?

You can choose to put it on hold or even think about it! But if you don't set aside, and if done properly, you will get a master perfect tattoo that is much better than expected.


First, you can find more pattern information for inspiration.

Secondly, the tattoo artist will have more time to design, communicate and modify according to your needs elements.

In the end, you have plenty of time to think about the future matching and stitching of this tattoo.


Looking for design inspiration

Tattoos are definitely an art that accompanies the rest of my life, so I have reminded you many times that you must think carefully and check patterns on the Internet for inspiration. Only you know yourself best, you need to find your favorite style.

In addition, you can find style patterns that you don't like, so as not to be unclear when describing to the tattoo artist.


Time schedule for tattoo artist

Most tattoo artists are very busy when the tattoo season comes, usually they need to make an appointment a long time in advance. Their design is usually completed after the tattoo is taken. During the epidemic, the tattoo artist has a lot of free time to design the pattern and will be happy to spend more energy to modify the details. Ensure the high quality of tattoo design.


You need to fully consider the matching of tattoos

Your tattoo is not just this one. What you need to consider is the effect of the overall stitching and matching of the tattoo in the future. Therefore, in the first tattoo design, you must consider the subsequent aesthetic issues. Are the colors and styles the same? Will the mix and match look good? Is the color too aggressive and not suitable for later accessories? These are all things you need to consider before designing a tattoo.


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The Best Tattoo Artists in Australia

Well, I will recommend some excellent tattoo artists for the guys who live in Australia. The appreciation time starts.

19% of Australians have tattoos, in other words, almost 7 out of 10 people have tattoos. I will introduce dozens of tattoo shops in Australia.

Whether you want traditional Japanese design, fashionable embellishment, or any black and white portrait comparable to painting, you can find a reference here ~


  1. INS: teneile_napoli   Location: Brisbane


Her tattoo studio is near the Gold Coast. There are 3 beautiful female tattoo artists.


They are not only good looking, but their tattoo skills are also good! They are good at realistic black and gray and like to make big tattoo designs.

Appreciation of works

Leg tattoo sleeve

Hip Tattoos for women

Portrait tattoos

2.  INS: chapeltattoo  Location: Melbourne


Chapel Tatto, which started operating in 1994, is arguably the most reliable tattoo studio in Australia.

chapel tattoo.

The store is run by three partners, Jane Laver, Andrew McLeod and Dave McAleese, and has 13 professional tattoo artists who specialize in traditional tattoos, Japanese tattoos, portrait tattoos, and tribal tattoos.

Appreciation of works

Robert tattoo

snake tattoo

Horse tattoos

3. INS:theblackmarktattoo   Location: Melbourne

the black mark tattoo

The BLACK MARK, a collection of Australia's talented and artistic tattoo studios, deserves to be Melbourne's most high-profile and mysterious studio.

black mark

Want to visit in advance? No way

Want to call and book? No way

In order to ensure that each customer gets the most satisfactory service, THE BLACK MARK only accepts online reservations.

Appreciation of works

Leg tattoo

man portrait tattoo

tattooed women

4. INS: melbournetattooco   Location: Melbourne

melbourne tattooco


Melbourne Tattoo Company will undoubtedly be a shop recommended by many tattoo lovers.

Melbourne Tattoo

It not only gathers Melbourne's well-known tattoo artists but also provides a variety of style options.

Appreciation of works

Knife tattoo

Skull tattoo for men

tattoos for men

5. INS: Third_Eye_Tattoo  Location: Melbourne


Known as the traditional Japanese tattoo and horror pattern tattoo, Third Eye Tattoo has been operating in Melbourne for the ninth year.


It has 8 talented tattoo artists in the industry. Each tattoo artist has his own private studio in the store and the store is decorated with artwork from around the world.

Appreciation of works

Black and gray tattoo

Scorpion tattoo

arm tattoos

6. INS: dynamictattoo  Location: Melbourne


Dynamic Tattoo opened in 1991.

There are 7 tattooists in the store.

It is full of Japanese flavors, and it mainly focuses on Japanese tattoos. Of course, they can make traditional American tattoos, realistic black and gray or bright and colorful tattoos.

Dragon tattoo for men

Tattoo sleeve for men

tattooed men.

7   INS: hunterandfoxtattoo  Location: Sydney


Hunter & Fox shows their love of traditional style without any hesitation.

Bold colors and ancient charm help them gain a group of loyal tattoo lovers.

By the way, they also provide laser tattoo removing.

Appreciation of works

Good at making traditional elements into a cute and funny style.

This Kappa is so cute!

cartoon tattoo

cartoon tattoo

Pig tattoo for men

Japanese tattoo

8. INS: hotcopperstudio   Location: Melbourne



HOT COPPER is a very suitable place for girls. Because the 7 tattooists are all female.

This is also an ideal tattoo place for girls to feel comfortable.

Although men are welcome too ~

Every tattoo artist is proficient in various styles of tattooing, They can make colorful new traditions to abstract realism, and something between these 2 styles.

crocodile tattoo

mouse tattoo

lavender tattoo

9 INS: westside_tattoo_bribane   Location: Brisbane

westside tattoo brisbane

This tattoo shop called westside is located in Brisbane, and it is also very good. There are about 8 tattoo artists, each specializing in a different style.

This tattoo shop called westside is located in Brisbane, and its review is also very good. There are about 8 tattoo artists, each specializing in a different style.

westside tattoo shop

Looking at their store-style, I guess that the main style is based on Japanese tradition, of course, other styles are fully capable.

Appreciation of works

Japanese tattoo

Japanese tattoo

traditional japanese tattoo

10 INS: benjaminlaukis   Location: around the world

benjamin laukis

Benjamin Laukis was a tattooist at The Black Mark Tattoo Studio in Melbourne, Australia. It was an accident for him to get into the tattoo industry. Except for writing, he had never learned to paint.

skull tattoos


Now, he has integrated that writing into realistic portraits and has won many awards at major international tattoo exhibitions. He has also begun the "Travel Tattooist" around the world. Recently he is in Greece ~

tattoo ideas

sexy tattooed women

thigh tattoos

tattooed men

In the end, I remind everyone that regardless of the domestic and foreign tattoo shops are appointment-based, Without appointment, you won't be tattooed except for some simple small tattoos, otherwise, most tattoo artists are either working or making drafts. There will be no way to meet your needs ~

tattoo studio

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