A 9 years old German girl becomes tattoo artist

At the age of 9, most of the children should be busy every day between school and various interest classes, or they may be dreaming about the future of growing up with their friends after dinner.
But everyone's life and growth process is an infinitive, and the content of life experience may also be thousands of miles away!
The little girl in the picture is named Maya, from southern Germany. As young as 9 years old, she "goes to work" in her mother's tattoo studio and tattoos guests. Maya's job is not to help her mother, but to complete the work independently as a tattoo artist.

Maya's mother said in an interview that Maya began to show an interest in tattoos when she was about 2 years old, always holding tattoo machines on her feet.
Maya's interest in tattoos is even stronger because of her mother's tattoos. Her parents were Maya's first client. They used their bodies as Maya's "test field" to practice techniques for her and her mother would teach her tattoo skills when she was free.
The child's imagination is always wild, and she can use the human body as a blank paper and draw on it as she wants. Describe a variety of plants, animals, or geometric patterns with messy lines and unexpected colors. It is unique with other adult works.
Many customers in the store slowly noticed this cute little girl and expressed their willingness to let Maya create for herself. She can now use the tattoo machine completely independently without the help of her parents.
Most importantly, Maya tattooed the customer and looked beautiful after healed. Her tattoo skills are comparable to those of a tattoo artist three times her age. Her parents made her brave in pursuing tattoo art and designed a small table for her in the tattoo studio for her to design patterns.
maya's tattoo
Maya always likes to stay in the studio. To her, tattoos are as common as drawing on paper. She has a lot of adult friends who want her to design tattoos, so she started to create more and more works. But Maya works only when she wants to, and it always depends on her mood.

Tattoos are usually not the best way to make parents proud, but for Noko Nishigaki, 11, the situation is different. Originally from Japan and currently living in Amsterdam, Noko has been studying tattoos with her father's world-renowned Japanese tattoo artist Gakkin since she was six.
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo-1Noko Nishigaki's tattoo-1
At the age of 6, she first tried tattoos under the guidance of her dad, but at that time her skills were not mature
Noko Nishigaki
Dad asked Noko to practice drawing on notepad first, then practice on silicone and dolls.
Noko Nishigaki
NoKo began to paint the birds and plants he painted on the paper over and over again on the practice skin, slowly exploring the practice, and learning how to use tattoo pens.
Noko Nishigaki's tattooNoko Nishigaki's tattooNoko Nishigaki
Her tattooing skills have also matured a lot under the careful teaching of her father. Finally, when NoKo was about 10 years old, Dad said that she could let her do tattoos for her guests. When a customer came to NoKo tattoos at first, Dad always stared more nervously than NoKo.
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo
At the age of 11, she already has dozens of customers. Although the number is not large, every guest likes this attentive and lovely little girl and will take pictures with NoKo in the end.
Noko Nishigaki
Unlike dad's delicate tattoo, NOKO's is more childlike.
Noko Nishigaki
Mushrooms of various shapes ↓
Noko Nishigaki's tattoo
Although the clothes are not fancy, there are always some bright tattoos on her.
Noko Nishigaki
In fact, these tattoos are just tattoo stickers, because Noko is too young, so parents only allow her to wear tattoo stickers.
Noko Nishigaki
In addition to work, Noko goes to school the same as other children, so she only has time to help people tattoo on Saturday.

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