NBA players and their Kanji tattoos

At present, more and more NBA players have adopted Chinese character tattoos as a fashion. In other words, Chinese character tattoos have become a beautiful and unique landscape in the NBA. So how should we understand this phenomenon, and what does this Chinese character tattoo mean to NBA players themselves and traditional Chinese culture.

According to the research and analysis of kinematic psychologists, tattoos can become fashionable for two main reasons: On the one hand, NBA players want to be recognized and familiar with the public and have their own characteristics; , Tattoo is also a special way to show your own personality.

Kenyon Martin:患得患失

The four large characters in his left arm are very eye-catching, and his own understanding of this idiom seems to be "never be satisfied."


Sean May:可以

Although he has been away from the NBA for a long time, Chinese fans are still impressed with his tattoos. The left arm is a big "可以"! Mainly Sean feels that his last name is "May", which translates to "可以" in Chinese.

Sean May‘s tattoo

Main reasons for Chinese characters tattoos in NBA players

  1. The mystery of Chinese characters For most NBA players, they do not understand the specific meaning of Chinese characters, but the upright Chinese characters can give people a sense of fashion, avant-garde and mystery. The development of traditional Chinese culture has a long history, and Chinese characters have been given a layer of mysterious eastern veil with the development of culture. It is precisely because of this mystery that it perfectly fits the NBA players' pursuit of personality, uniqueness and publicity.
  2. For Chinese kung fu, the earliest vocabulary for foreigners was "kungfu". In the eyes of foreigners, the first person to spread Chinese kung fu was Bruce Lee, and to understand Chinese kung fu, he must first know Bruce Lee, in other words, Bruce Lee Spokesperson for Chinese Kung Fu. His candid but not slutty, publicity but not arrogant personality is also the main reason for his recognition by all circles in the West. It is for this reason that Eastern culture can gain a large number of admirers and followers in a society that advocates individualism and self-expression. It can also be said that because of the Chinese characters and Chinese kung fu brought by Mr. Bruce Lee, the Chinese character tattoos became popular in the NBA.

John Salmons棺材佬

Refers to the person who handles the chores of the dead and carries the coffin. It is the feeling of a hell messenger.

John Salmons's tattoo

Shawn Marion魔鳥樟

This tattoo of Marion always feels like a secret sign. We know every word, but there is really no idea about how to put it together. I suspect the tattoo artist may not know Chinese!

Shawn Marion's tattoo

Different text content reflects different characteristics of NBA players

Various tattoos are displayed directly on the skin of NBA players, giving viewers an intuitive visual experience. And through different tattoos and tattoo content, can fully reflect the different pursuits, beliefs and origins of NBA players, which also makes different NBA players get different feedback from fans. In the current stage of NBA players, most of the tattoos have a direct relationship with the player's own family or some heroes. These tattoos are not only for the sake of beauty, but also directly show the inner world of NBA players, reflecting Different characteristics and pursuits of players.

D'Angelo Russell:家庭无畏

"家庭无畏" may mean that you are not afraid of anything as long as your family is present.

D'Angelo Russell's tattoo

Tyson Chandler:钱得嘞

During the NBA shutdown, Chandler came to the CBA and tattooed his name on his body in order to express affection.

Tyson Chandler's tattoo

NBA player tattoos identify with society

For today's tattoos, it no longer has a symbol and a certain religious meaning, nor does it represent a sign of joining a certain organization, but an embodiment of people's pursuit of personality and self. Americans like to study the philosophy of other countries. The philosophy of our country is very different from the philosophy of the United States. If we can understand the meaning of Eastern philosophy, it will show that Americans have a richer life experience. Therefore, they will emboss Chinese characters in a prominent position on their skin, which not only reflects their knowledge, but also fits into the social environment of the United States.

Allen Gary Iverson

Like tattoos, Iverson's life is a loyal word. "Be loyal to himself, to the team, to the family, to his friends".

Allen Gary Iverson's tattoo

Derek Fisher:心诚

Regarding the word "心诚", although Fisher could not read it out accurately, he understood their meaning.

"One refers to the heart, one to show people's beliefs. Together, it means that people must be sincere and must have their own beliefs," Fisher explained.

Derek Fisher's tattoo

Identity with Chinese culture

In the eyes of Americans, the upright Chinese characters are a typical symbol of traditional culture in the Eastern countries for thousands of years. At present, with the development of human society, people's psychology has also changed, they will be more inclined to trendy things, and Chinese characters can better show and interpret this trend. Many NBA players are affected by this trend culture, and will no longer play cool patterns on their bodies like the young people of the past, but will instead put some rich idioms or Chinese characters on their bodies. The NBA's visit to the mystery of the East is also a reflection of Chinese cultural identity.

Marcus Camby:勉族

The words "勉" and "族" represent the most important things in Camby's life. "勉" means diligently doing everything, and "族" represents his family.

Marcus Camby's tattoo

Derrick Rose:耐心

The word "耐心(patience)" seems bland, but it is a good expression of Rose's mood. The youngest MVP, but injuries are always entangled. Like us, he is patiently waiting for every bloom!

Derrick Rose's tattoo


Identification of oneself is also a manifestation of a player's own clear life goals. It can have the pursuit of an independent and positive life goal, and gradually show its self-worth, harvest social approval and recognition, experience identity, gain self-esteem and confidence, It will also succumb to the influence of other people and society. NBA players can put Chinese characters on their own body, which also represents the players' recognition of their basketball skills, and has extremely confident, and dare to truly show themselves. Therefore, the Chinese character tattoo is also a recognition of the player.

Most NBA players have their own special beliefs, which is the main reason why they can become the idol most basketball fans admire. When we see Chinese characters tattooed on NBA players, not only will we have a sense of intimacy and pride in our hearts, but we will also have an inexplicable affection for the players. Therefore, I hope that more and more Chinese characters will appear on NBA players. At the same time, I hope they can understand Chinese culture and identify with it.

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Tattoo of the Son of the Earth——Maori Totem

The Maori people are the sons of the earth and the aborigines of New Zealand. More than a thousand years ago, they came here from the mysterious hometown of Hawaki, Polynesia. Today, Maori make up 14% of New Zealand's total population, and their history, language and tradition are at the centre of New Zealand's unique personality.


The Maori people are famous in the world for some reasons, because they are world-famous cannibals! Of course, there are no more people eating for more than 200 years, but modern Maori people are still very proud of the valour of their ancestors.


The Maori people were brave and aggressive. Their war dances jumped up and down, while their eyes burst and their tongues extended. They hoped to scare and deter the enemy with horrible grimace. This can also be seen on some wood carvings in Maori.
The early Maori people had difficulty in distinguishing their status because of their shabby clothing and covering with only linen fabric. Tattoos are a smart way for them to identify themselves. The content, quantity and color of the totem pattern also became an important symbol for judging their status.




The totem is a story written on the face, not only symbolizing the sacred identity of the tattooer, but also showing the tribe and family history to which it belongs. The different patterns on the left and right faces also represent different ancestors of the patrilineal and maternal lines.
There are two types of Maori tattoos. Ta Moko's traditional tattoo art is usually stabbed on the face, and its purpose and use are very sacred. The other is Kirituhi, which refers to the artistic decoration on the skin and has no sacred meaning. .
Tattoo patterns and sculptural patterns have a close symbolic meaning. Previously, they had to be performed by tattoo experts from clergy in the clan, but now they are done by tattoo artists. Tattoos are one of the "treasures" for the Maori people. Therefore, the design of each tattoo is an intellectual property right, and each tattoo has special meaning to the victim himself, contains information of his ancestors, tribe, and There is a connection between family and tribe, and their place in these social structures. Therefore, tattoos are not only an art form, but also a historical record.


In the Maori tattoos, there has never been the same facial tattoo pattern. This tattoo is gender-differentiated.
In ancient times, tattoos on Maori men's faces were seen as a sign of adulthood and sense of achievement, but also an obvious flattering decoration.


In general, the face tattoo of the Maori male extends from the forehead to the position of the throat, much like a mask. This tattoo can make the edges and corners of the face more prominent, making up for the lack of the face. Samurai tattooed such a face Tattoos are more masculine; monks or speakers are more resourceful. Because the Maori tattoo is a painful and severe art activity, coupled with the original Maori tattoo skills, this makes the tattoo regarded as a mark of the brave. The more tattoo lines on the face, the more Tattoos became more brave.




Maori women's face tattoos usually start from the middle of the forehead, extend to the nostrils, and then move down to the upper and lower lips, and the tattoo pattern on the chin will also extend to the position of the throat.


Most Maori women choose to have a tattoo on their chin. This tattoo style has been used throughout the colonial period. I have seen such a person. She was born in the 1950s, and still has such a tattoo on her chin.







Maori women have a long tradition of facial tattoos. Although they were disgusted by missionaries, slandered by immigrants, eyes despised by strangers and malicious comments in the process of inheritance, they still used this tattoo customs have been passed on.








Traditionally, Maori women are only allowed to line their lips, around their chins or nostrils, and are said to prevent skin wrinkling and stay young. Generally speaking, Maori women believe that their blue lips are "symbols of feminine beauty", a custom that has been preserved until the 1980s.







A formal Maori tattoo follows a certain procedure.
First, you need to understand the meaning, design, and shape of the tattoo, and then you need to get support from your family and elders when making decisions.
Each tattoo pattern is unique, just like a life resume, it records a person's occupation, status in the tribe, and can also record his family, even his life's achievements and achievements, as if printed on a paragraph Personal history on the skin is a symbol of status and achievement.
Initially, when a Maori with Moko died, his skull was preserved. This is the legendary Mokomokai.


To make Mokomokai, first remove the brain and eyes, and then all the holes in the skull are sealed with linen fiber and glue. In order to prevent head rot, these "dead heads" are also steamed or cooked, and then smoked under the bonfire and exposed to the sun. These heads are then preserved by the family and will only be taken out during major religious rituals. Mokomokai was also important during the tribal wars. The heads of the defeated tribal chiefs will be made into Mokomokai, the trophy of the winner. Tribes also often reach settlements by returning or exchanging Mokomokai.





This custom changed later. During the Musketeer War, Mokomokai became a very important commercial trade item. Many Maori clans traded all the Mokomokai in their clan for guns. Some tribes invaded other tribes in order to obtain more Mokomokai, while others painted faces of slaves and prisoners in the tribe just to produce more Mokomokai. At this time, the quality of Mokomokai was uneven, and of course, the Maori people have already abandoned this Kind of tradition.



The Maori nose-touching ceremony is still preserved to this day. The host and the guest must touch the nose tip to the nose two or three times or more. The number and time of nose touches often indicate the level of the courtesy specification. The more times they meet, the longer the time, which means the higher the courtesy; otherwise, the courtesy low. It's just this sniff that Voldemort probably doesn't like very much.


In New Zealand, there is another group that is very passionate about tattooing, and that is the gangster.




Strictly speaking, non-Maori people are not allowed to wear Maori tattoos, but in this era of highly developed economic civilization, nothing is impossible.
Rihanna has a Maori tattoo on her hand. It is said that she was traveling in New Zealand and was very interested in the local Maori tattoo. She made one for herself. Of course, the tattoo on her right hand has changed.


The tattoo on Muhammad Tyson's face is also a Maori facial tattoo. Of course, Tyson is not a Maori.


There are also many people in China who like Maori tattoos. Those patterns we usually see can only become Kirituhi, not Ta Moko.


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She shaved her hair and tattooed Dunhuang on her body

Speaking of Dunhuang, what do you think of?

Nine-colored deer, flying apsaras, caisson...

This is the beauty of Dunhuang, but also the beauty of China.

There is such a person

She tattooed Dunhuang on her body.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo-44

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

These patterns are taken from Dunhuang's "Nine-Colored Deer Scriptures".

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

With the flying apsaras image in Dunhuang frescoes.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

If show you this hand,

Can you see where it was taken from the Dunhuang frescoes?

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

There are more than 50,000 square meters of Dunhuang frescoes, among which the figures are countless.

The posture of the hand is even more varied and different.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

But one person can, she's called Mumu,

These tattoos are all designed by her.

She came to Dunhuang because of her studies, and she was deeply moved by the vivid

and detailed Dunhuang murals at that time. She has since fallen in love with Dunhuang.

She said:

"This beauty is only available in China"

"At that time, I thought, in the future, I will make a tattoo that only Chinese talents have."

tattoo artists

Tattooing Dunhuang frescoes to the body?

This is a bold idea.

Many people persuaded her that it was too difficult to do.

But she went it alone.

Speaking of her original intention, she said:

"It's not just about tattoos,

It's a question of cultural confidence "

Dunhuang has a history of thousands of years.

Its beauty should not only be seen by the Chinese, but also go abroad.

Dunhuang frescoes

So Mumu started to try,

Extract some Dunhuang materials for tattoo design,

Like that hand, the material comes from Dunhuang frescoes.

In order to draw this hand well,

Mumu observed nearly a thousand murals.

Dunhuang frescoes

Dunhuang frescoes

Did countless exercises,

Finally, a perfect "Dunhuang hand" was patterned.

Dunhuang frescoes

Caisson is also an important Dunhuang element.

"Caisson is often looking up in the Dunhuang Caves,

The layered pattern evolved into a Buddhist mandala,

Use the most complicated symmetrical color system of fine sand to make the most exquisite patterns.

Then swept away, and lived up to existence,

This is a grain of sand and a world said by the Buddha. "

The real caisson is very complicated,

This pattern is after Mumu copy a lot of caisson pattern

A new version of Dunhuang Caisson refining the design,

The pattern is modern without losing its charm.

Dunhuang tattoo

But the most representative of Dunhuang is still flying apsaras.

"Flying apsaras is inevitable in Dunhuang frescoes,

A beautiful existence like a spirit,

Hands carry flowers, streamers are like the wind, like dancing but not dancing,

Full of graceful gestures and imagination. "

In this way, "flying apsaras" became the first tattoo design in Mumu shop.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo-6

Although Feitian is beautiful, the production process is very difficult.

"The smoothness and color of the lines are the hardest.

Because of the structure of the streamer,

Influenced by Wu Daozi and Gu Kaizhi's lines are very slender,

There is also to pay attention,

The maximum curvature of a person's hand should not be weak. "


The charm of the characters is even more difficult to grasp.

"Most of the flying apsaras tattoos are not big,

Basically the size of a palm,

The face is only the size of a pinkie cap,

It is difficult to make a dignified and soft look of flying apsaras on it. "

And the color of flying apsaras in different,

It's completely different.

There is almost no tattoo color like Dunhuang murals on the market.

All the colors are Mumu himself,

After countless experiments, it was reconciled again and again.

After tattooing to the skin,

Also pay attention to the degree of color after it is restored.

To this end, she insists on the recovery of visitors every month.

Use this to correct your own color scheme.


But the hardest part is the production process of flying apsaras.

Sometimes because of the position of some tattoos,

Need to kneel to draw,

Over time, the legs will numb,

But it cannot be interrupted because of this,

So I can only bear it silently.

"Completing a tattoo requires the attention of both the guest and the tattoo artist.

This is a ceremony close to practice."

Mumu said with emotion.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

In Mumu's eyes,

Dunhuang frescoes are very suitable for tattooing.

One is beauty and charm.

Wherever the pattern is, it is an expression of Chinese beauty.

The second is that the texture of the skin and murals are sometimes close.

Dunhuang and tattoos,

It ’s basically a heaven and earth pair,

Because they all need to stand the test of time.

Copying Dunhuang frescoes is extremely time-consuming and labor-intensive.

In order to better learn the essence of Dunhuang frescoes,

Mumu made a bold decision: cut her hair!


Today, she is far from the city, far from social,

Use your phone for less than two hours a day.

She seemed to be a hermit and a warrior.

Actually long ago,

She became very interested in Dunhuang frescoes.

And halfway through the study of Dunhuang frescoes,

Created a series of tattoos that imitated his style.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo-7

This is a cat fairy and willow branches.

In ancient times, raising cats required wearing willows to fish, and then wrapping them with salt to make "gifts."

Cats were mythical in ancient times,

As a god, so this picture,

"God is flying and the wall is moving",

It feels like a fairy.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Zoom in, cats wear gold and silver,

Fingering the lute

With a natural look, there was a golden circle of light behind the cat.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This is Pisces,

Ca n’t think of constellations from the West,

She can also look like an ancient style.

"Customers say they want Chinese Pisces,

It stumped me then. "

Finally Mumu used his body to make mountains and lakes,

Tattooed this Pisces picture, light and ethereal,

Zoomed in, there are layers of color inside,

The lines are hidden under the colors and are very cleverly conceived.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Willow branches,

Willow branches are a sign of spring,

This design is relatively simple and elegant,

It looks full of vitality.

"The hardest part about tattoos is the light color and ethereal texture.

Need to stay on the skin, heavy, not flexible enough,

Make it light, and once recovered, there will be no trace. "

She studied for five full years in order to create natural colors.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Here are two goldfish pictures,

Fish is often one of the popular patterns in tattoo parlors,

It is also a common theme in our traditional Chinese realistic painting brushwork.

The hardest part is the fish tail,

Designed as a large fan-shaped area,

There is a sense of fantasy.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

White gardenia,

Using the style of Traditional Chinese realistic painting,

Pay attention to rewriting and leave blank,

White in tattoos is extremely picky,

Can make this clean feeling,

It must be profound.

Mumu spent 3 hours painting the painting.

She said, "Our studio keeps flowers and fish all year round.

I often squat there to watch them and observe their seasonal changes.

Every leaf, petal, I know their name and track. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This is Mumu Studio,

One of the rare large-area patterns:

A plum blossom blooming by itself.

It looks both proud and charming.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

However, this design,

It ’s actually for covering up,

The red birthmark scattered by the guests,

right now,

You may not find out,

Which are birthmarks and which are plums.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This is a design based on the Japanese cherry blossom festival.

The combination of fan and cherry blossom,

Coupled with the flowing colorful ribbon,

A breath of joy was forthcoming.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This one is an old tattoo repair,

The original tattoo had only one antlers,

Later Mumu added elements such as the ocean, sunset, and birds.

"People who know me may know,

I often see birds in my works,

More or less because of flying birds,

Stand on the shoulders of the wind and fall in love with freedom. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This picture uses traditional Chinese ink painting.

This picture is highly integrated with the skin,

And very oriental charm.

"In this work,

I started to explore further,

How to use modern elements to form ancient style,

Make it fit more closely to the structure of the human body,

It feels flowing when turned. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

The lantern full of classical meaning is hanging on the branch in the picture,

A swallow stood on top.

"The more interesting part of this work is,

The two shy lovers behind,

Her name has a swallow character, and he has a swallow on her body.

When he felt pain in his tattoos,

Kissing his hair and wrinkles.

Almost at the same time, tears filled my eyes instantly. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This is a piece of bamboo,

The combination of calligraphy and painting is unique.

For men, they look handsome and masculine.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This is a little elf designed by Mumu for young customers.

Inspired by Shan Hai Jing,

The color matching is more complicated, but it looks very fairy.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This pair is also the Chinese version of Pisces,

Western legends, the texture of Chinese painting,

Combined, there is a taste of Chinese and Western combination.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

The customer said when booking:

"I want to put my wife beside me,

Watching the pictures of me and my children playing football,

After all, China is the birthplace of football. "

The adult woman in the picture is the mother,

Adult men are dads,

Bottom is the son,

On the top is the unborn daughter.

"Children were angels before,

Will choose a mother in heaven,

So I designed the girl on the highest cloud "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

This plant is also the other shore flower,

The design of the wind chime is added behind,

The work is in memory of those who have passed away,

Customers initially only wanted flowers from the other side,

After Mumu heard her story, she added a wind chime to her.

The wind chimes have psychic powers.

Every time the wind bell rings,

It means that the dead person is missing her.

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo-37

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo-38

The design of this one is more complicated,

The picture is Phoenix Nirvana,

Refers to the phoenix bath fire burning, living to death,

Rebirth reappears after burning in the fire, and eternal life is obtained.

It took 13 hours to complete the painting.

Great efforts.

Selected as the most professional tattoo magazine in China


"The work of Phoenix,

Not pain that ordinary people can bear,

She flew twice and was a very skinny little sister.

It is difficult to imagine what she insisted on.

Perhaps the meaning of Phoenix is only understood by Chinese talents

The non-industrious pride. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Seeing this, someone may ask,

Why would a girl be a tattoo artist?

Mumu said with a smile, many people have asked her this question,

The answer is simple: love!

"In the beginning it was just trying,

Later I became more and more fascinated,

In a row, a needle is a lifetime.

In the next fifty years,

By doing something with my heart, I am satisfied in my life. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Because Mumu went to Qinghai to practice for one year,

Lead a simplified life

Some people say that she is Li Ziqi from the tattoo industry.

She smiled and said:

"We are not in a field at all,

But we have one thing in common,

That is to have confidence in the culture of your country. "

Dunhuang frescoes tattoo

Talking about the future, Mumu said:

"I want to create works that Chinese understand at first sight.

Works deeply hidden in the blood of Chinese people,

Works that only belong to the Chinese,

Believe me, it can absolutely move anyone,

Because of our culture, it can. "

In recent years,

Regardless of the field,

The return of Chinese style is becoming more and more obvious.

It ’s like a toy that we abandoned on the way up,

Was found again.



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Will you believe a tattoo artist who has no tattoos?

Most people think that the tattoo artist should wear tattoos, punch, and look cool.

tattoo artistsBut this is not the truth. Not all tattooists have tattoos! And these "tattoo artists without tattoos" have been questioned by customers and the outside world because of their appearance and professional mismatch!

  1. Ink Master contestant questioned because of no tattoos

The popular American reality show tattoo program "Ink Master" is attended by tattoo artists. They accept various challenges with relevant artistic skills, and are judged by famous tattoo artists, artists, and audience, etc. Each episode eliminates one or multiple contestants; the winner of each season will receive a huge prize and "King of Tattoos".

In season 2, a contestant named Jamie Davies, who has many years of experience, caused nuclear bomb discussions because he did not have a tattoo on his body. Many tattoo masters, such as Oliver Peck (the owner of Elm Street Tattoo and tattoo queen Kat VonD Ex-husband), Chris Nuiez (handcrafted Tattoo host, reality show "Miami Tattoo" tattoo artist) critically criticized Jamie; they believe that a tattoo artist should own a tattoo to understand all aspects of tattoo.

[caption id="attachment_54798" align="alignnone" width="1203"]tattooing Jamie’s working[/caption]

That's right, the guy in the picture below is Jamie Davies, who wear suit and tie, do you believe he is a tattoo artist?

Jamie Davies

Jamie has won numerous awards

He once caused controversy because he didn't have a tattoo on his body.

Jamie's fans counter-injected judges on the Internet: He is the best one on this show. The judges always say "your job is really great, but you don't have a tattoo." Although he was one of the best contestants in this season, he was eliminated because he didn't have a tattoo!

The picture below is the work of Jamie. Even if he has no tattoo, he is still skillful? !! The people who question him are judging others by appearances!

tattoo sleeve

2. The tattoo artist is still skillful

Mark Wade, a New York tattoo artist who specializes in realism, was also suspected because he has no tattoos.

He said, "It's not an exaggeration. Tattooists without tattoos are a stigma. They need to withstand the gossip. They have a higher tolerance than tattooists with tattoos. Taking myself as an example, some people question me why he stays in a tattoo studio, and what he does?

Even if he introduces himself, I can still feel the others looking up and down, as if taunting him: Haha, you do n’t even have a tattoo, can you be a good artist?

[caption id="attachment_54803" align="alignnone" width="1273"]Tattoo artist Mark Wade Tattoo artist Mark Wade is working. He has no tattoos either.[/caption]

I found out some of his tattoo works. What kind of fairy technology is it? Without years of accumulation of sediment, this effect can not be traced at all.

Forearm tattoo for men

red flower tattoo

It seems that New York tattoo artist Mark Wade being questioned due to without tattoos even though he has extraordinary skills.

full tattoo sleeve

Not too long ago, Wade finally wore a blue bird tattoo after being a tattoo artist for many years. He said: Experience tells me, wait, I will get something better. If I mind the eyes of others, I can find a tattoo artist to tattoo me anytime, anywhere, but I prefer to get it at my own pace. "

I believe that his mentality and world views are super positive, and I became one of his fans.

blue eagle tattoo

3. Apprentices are more like tattoo artists

Contrary to the tattoo skills, many young tattoo artists got tattoos as many as they can when they have just begun their careers, and even in the stage of learning tattoos.

Kayleigh Peach, a British female tattoo artist, in order to motivate herself to pursue her dream, on the first day of becoming an apprentice, she decided to get a tattoo on her face and stab cursed (cursed) on her right eyebrow. Followed by roses on the right face, and leaves on the left face symbolizing the new beginning of life.

Kayleigh explained her behavior: "I tattooed my face so I couldn't find a proper job, so I had to insist on what I am doing."

Kayleigh Peach

So far, about 60% of her body was tattooed. She really looks more like a tattoo artist than the two previous tattooists.

Kayleigh Peach

After two years of hard work, Miss Kayleigh's efforts have not been in vain, and she has now become a formal tattoo artist. But there is still much room for improvement in terms of works.

[caption id="attachment_54810" align="alignnone" width="1117"]forearm tattoo Kayleigh's works[/caption]

4. Tattooist without tattoos can't make excellent tattoos?

There are divergent views on whether a tattoo artist without a tattoo can produce high-quality work. Most voices are that tattooists without tattoos cannot understand the process their clients are going through.

tattooed women

In fact, this kind of professional prejudice appears in all aspects of our lives. You should not believe in a skinny chef, a bartender who has alcohol allergies and cannot drink alcohol often, and we believe that bald program that can’t write good code, etc.

When you are looking for a tattoo artist, whether a person has a tattoo does not represent his skill level and ability.

Although most tattooists have tattoos, there are also some tattooists whose skins have not been cultivated. After seeing numerous skins and too many tattoo designs, they have perfectionism + choice disorder for their own skin.

tattoo artist

A successful tattoo artist relies on his work to speak, as well as guests' feedback on his abilities and his tattoo works.

If you don't trust a tattoo artist without a tattoo, there are many other tattoo artists to choose from. It's just possible that you missed an extraordinary whiteboard tattoo artist and chose a cool tattooist who is a new tattoo artist. The important thing is their tattoo works.


Known as Mr. Bruno for many years, Bruno de Pigalle was the only tattoo artist in France in the 1960s and 1970s who was recognized and registered as a business. He has no tattoos. He wore a lab coat when he was working, and few people saw him not wearing it. Although he never really said he didn't have a tattoo, this has become a recognized fact.

Bruno de Pigalle

Bruno was a pioneer of French tattoo art and the first tattoo artist in Paris

Bruno opened the first tattoo studio in Paris in 1960

Bruno and his guests

When Bruno was young


Mr. Bruno has served as an honorary sponsor of the International Tattoo Festival

Many tattooists have said that they can appreciate the historical traditions and cultural elements of body art without tattooing.

A blank-skinned tattoo artist may be a minority, but not having a tattoo logically does not affect his talent and diligence.

tattoo artists

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The Complete Guide To Disposable Tattoo Tubes

The tattoo tubes are used to support the tattoo needles and the tattoo machines and are an essential product in the tattoo process. Tattooing is a process that requires a high concentration of intense energy for a long time and requires very strong stability. Part of this stability comes from the stability of the tattoo artist's own technique, and part comes from the machine, and the important part that determines the stability of the tattoo machine is the tattoo tubes.
The material of tattoo tubes
The tattoo tubes on the market are mainly made of rubber and metal. Rubber tattoo tubes are mostly disposable. Disposable rubber tattoo tubes purchased through regular channels are generally used E.O. sterilized and come with independent vacuum packaging.
The common disposable tattoo tubes are divided into plastic and rubber textures. In the beginning, many disposable tattoo tubes on the market were made of cheap plastic in order to save costs and reduce prices. Cheap plastic tattoo tubes are easy to bend and lack the ability to absorb vibrations. This requires the machine to work harder and increase the normal working voltage, and easily collapsed by being squeezed by tattoo vice or clamp.
At present, general tattoo tubes are made of a combination of rigid plastic and rubber. The part of the grip is made of rubber, the tip and tube are made of rigid plastic. The rubber grip is more convenient for designing the non-slip pattern on the side of tattoo tubes. The large ring-shaped rubber grip is softer and more suitable for most people's hands. It can be easily and safely
What tattoo designs and tattoo machines are suitable for disposable tattoo tubes?
Disposable tattoo tubes are generally suitable for small, simple but require flexible tattoo patterns, and are suitable for use with lightweight coil tattoo machines or rotary tattoo machines (according to personal preferences) so that can reduce the weight for the tattoo artist to play and improve work efficiency.

Tips: Don't choose too heavy tattoo tubes, it will hurt the wrist of the tattoo artist, and tend to get tenosynovitis.
The diameter of tattoo tubes
The commonly used disposable tattoo tubes’ sizes are 16mm, 19mm, 25mm, 30mm, 38mm. There are more 25mm tattoo grips on the market. Each tattoo artist has his own preferences for the choice of tattoo products, but if you are a tattoo beginner, I suggest you choose a thicker tattoo tube. When the tattoo method is not stable, the thick handle can effectively increase stability. Make your tattoo lines smoother.
Tips: If you accidentally buy a tattoo tube that is not suitable, you can choose to wrap the self-adhesive bandage around the tattoo tube to adjust the thickness and choose the right diameter that suits you.
The Hold method of tattoo tubes
Holding the machine correctly can increase the efficiency of tattooing. Disposable tattoo tubes will have a non-slip design on the side. For example, this classic wormhole tattoo disposable tattoo tubes are designed with an elongated honeycomb shape. You also can properly wrap some tattoo self-adhesive bandages to bring non-slip according to your preferences.tattoo_tubes-rtAnimal-Tattoo-Designs-And-Meanings
Usually, the tattoo artist will hold the tattoo tubes at 45°. At this angle tattoo is the best, it can be used in the shortest time, the smallest wound surface, and the most saturated color. If you want some soft shading, you can choose to adjust it to 90°, then you can get smooth shadows.
The price of disposable tattoo tubes
We can often see on the Internet that some people choose cheaper tattoo shops because the price of good tattoo shops is too expensive. As a result, the tattoo patterns are far from their own images and even cause infection after tattooing.
In fact, a perfect tattoo is half determined by the tattoo artist, and half is the tattoo supplies used. Both tattoo artists and beginners need a very high level of safety awareness when tattooing. Tattoo supplies must be purchased from a regular tattoo shop. such as tattoo tubes and tattoo needles, which in high demand must be sterilized to ensure hygiene and safety.
When conditions permit, I recommend using disposable tattoo tubes, such as this tube, from Wormhole Tattoo, a box of 25pcs, an average of $ 0.75, which is a cost-effective handle on the market. For complex patterns, you can buy mixed package tattoo tubes, which are very user-friendly. This tattoo tubes use transparent tips so that you can clearly see the fluidity of the ink.
Tips: Do not use the disposable tattoo tubes if you find the packaging is damaged.
Model and purpose of tattoo handle for tattoo needle
Generally, the models of tattoo tubes are suitable for most tattoo needles on the market. In order to avoid inappropriate models, I recommend that you buy them from the same tattoo store. The models of the same brand are definitely suitable. The following is a table of matching models of tattoo tubes and tattoo needles. If you need it, you can check the following table:

Needle Grouping Tube Size Commonly used for...
4F, 5F 4 - 5 flat Lines and detail
6F, 7F 6 - 7 flat Shading, thicker lines, and color fill
9F 8 - 9 flat Shading and color fill
5M1 4 - 5 flat Thick lines, color fill, and shading
7M1 6 - 7 flat Lines, shading, and color fill
9M1 8 - 9 flat Thick outlines, shading, color fill
11M1 11 flat Color fill and shading
13M1 13 flat Color fill and shading
15M1 15 flat Color fill and shading
5M2, 7M2, 9M2 4 - 5 flat Outlines, lines, detail, and shading
11M2, 13M2 6 -7 flat Thick outlines, thick lines, shading, and color fill
15M2 8 - 9 flat Color fill and shading
5MR 4 - 5 flat Small lines, detail work, and intricate shading
7MR 6 - 7 flat Lines, shading, color fill, and detail work
9MR 8 - 9 flat Outlines, shading, and color fill
11MR 11 flat Color fill and shading
13MR 13 flat Color fill and shading
15MR 15 flat Color fill and shading
1RL, 3RL 1 - 3 round Lines, intricate shading, and fill-in
4RL, 5RL 4 - 5 round Outlines, shading, and fill-in
7RL 7 round Shading and color fill
8RL, 9RL 8 - 9 round Shading, thick outlines, and color fill
11RL, 14 RL 11 - 14 round Shading and color fill
3RS 1 - 3 round Lines and small detail
5RS 4 - 5 round Lines, slim shading areas, and small detail
7RS 7 round Shading, thicker lines, small area fill in
8RS, 9RS 8 - 9 round Shading, thick outlines, and color fill in
14RS 11 - 14 round Shading and color
4F, 5F 4 - 5 flat Lines and detail
6F, 7F 6 - 7 flat Shading, thicker lines, and color fill
9F 8 - 9 flat Shading and color fill
5M1 4 - 5 flat Thick lines, color fill, and shading
7M1 6 - 7 flat Lines, shading, and color fill
9M1 8 - 9 flat Thick outlines, shading, color fill
11M1 11 flat Color fill and shading
13M1 13 flat Color fill and shading
15M1 15 flat Color fill and shading
5M2, 7M2, 9M2 4 - 5 flat Outlines, lines, detail, and shading
11M2, 13M2 6 -7 flat Thick outlines, thick lines, shading, and color fill
15M2 8 - 9 flat Color fill and shading
5MR 4 - 5 flat Small lines, detail work, and intricate shading
7MR 6 - 7 flat Lines, shading, color fill, and detail work
9MR 8 - 9 flat Outlines, shading, and color fill
11MR 11 flat Color fill and shading
13MR 13 flat Color fill and shading
15MR 15 flat Color fill and shading

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Tattoo artist Jason Powner sent 600 christmas gifts to needy families

Christmas is probably the most exciting in December!
Christmas is a very popular holiday. Receiving gifts from Santa at Christmas should be one of the most anticipated things for all children. On this day, all children are looking forward to Santa Claus, but for the children of Stoke's poor family, they are looking forward to Jason Powner.
Jason Powner is a very famous "Santa" for Stoke on Trent. Starting in 2012, Jason prepares gifts for hundreds of poor children in advance every year to make sure they receive Santa's blessing at Christmas.
Jason was not happy in his childhood. He had a difficult life since he was a child. He struggled with food every day. So Jason attaches great importance to family. He knows that Christmas is very important for a family. Now that he hopes to help more poor families. He knows that Christmas gifts are a very important blessing.
Every December, Jason is very busy. Because he has to prepare many Christmas gifts. He would dress up as Santa Claus and sit in the car to send blessings to the children.

For many poor families, Jason is a very kind and caring person, a philanthropist. Hundreds of families receive Christmas gifts from Jason every year.
Some families have children or adults who are sick. Life is too hard to afford Christmas presents Jason collects a lot of goods and sends them to families in need.
Jason plays Santa Claus not only at Christmas, but he also helped many people in daily life. Jason was shortlisted for the British Pride Awards because he has been helping people in need throughout the city and distributing food to those in need. Jason runs a "food bank" and collects many gifts for children at Christmas.
"I have a studio of my own, so I have free time to help more people. I love Christmas and I like to see the smiling faces of children receiving Christmas gifts."
Jason has raised money for a 13-year-old drowning teenager to help his family survive. He has also formed a team to help George with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome build a home garden. Not only did Jason transform the garden, but he also helped disabled teenagers regain confidence in their lives.
For these families in need, Jason is Santa. In addition, Jason is an experienced tattoo artist.
Jason has been in the tattoo industry for 14 years. He has started a tattoo studio and has a good business. Because Jason always wanted to help others, he opened a food bank behind the studio. People in need can get food through a food bank.
In the past, our impressions of tattoo artists were very cool and very handsome. (As shown below)
But Jason is a "Santa" with a big belly.
Jason is a tattoo artist. We can see Jason's hands have tattoos. These tattoos are records of Jason's precious memory. Jason is a very cute Santa.
For the Stoke on Trent, Jason is the most charitable tattoo artist. This year, Jason and other tattoo studio partners will also send Christmas gifts to children. These Santas have the best-looking tattoos and kind hearts in the world.
Tattoos are no longer a negative symbol. Santa will also tattoo. Santa Claus will carry a big package, ride a car pulled by an elk, climb into the chimney, and send gifts and blessings to each child.

During the COVID-19, we provide disposable face masks and KN95 face masks, expedited delivery within 2-3 days.

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Where is the best part of the body to get a tattoo?

I shared some sexy tattoos before. Some people asked me which body part is the best to get a tattoo. Getting a tattoo on a part that is too eye-catching might affect your work. A tattoo placed on a secret body part won’t be seen. It is really too difficult to make a choice! !!
But there is one body part that is regarded as a perfect place by me. Compared with other body parts, although its daily exposure rate is not high, it is more private.
For girls, it is sexy to get a tattoo on the back.
Getting the most meaningful letter tattoo on the spine is engraved in the bones. You will never forget it if you get everything you want to say, the person you want to meet, or your unforgettable youth stayed on your body. And when you walk through the street, people will appreciate your unforgettable beauty.
Anniversary, motto, everything you want to record can be carried on your body.
A date tattoo will help you always remember the important thing.
A girl's heart can be also engraved in her bones.
Turn things you like, people you like into tattoo designs.
Turn the corners or pictures you have seen or yearn for into tattoos.
You can also choose a bird that symbolizes freedom.

A dreamcatcher tattoo on the back to catch good dreams and stay away from nightmares
A guardian angel tattoo on the body gives you strength.
A guardian angel in your heart can bring you positive power and make you stay curious about life.
Of course, some people get Buddha tattoos on the body. It seems that the Buddha will help them, which is just a wish.
Small and delicate pattern
You can choose a smaller tattoo pattern and wear a backless outfit every day so that you will look sexier.
It is the most charming that waking up next to your lover with half-exposed back and tattoos.
If you dare to try there are more tattoo designs to get.back_tattoos_for_women

The small wreath on the left shoulder is so beautiful
Solar/eclipse along the spine
Friends who are not afraid of pain can also choose
Back tattoos, especially near the bones, are painful. And I’d like to remind you again that you consider carefully before you get a tattoo rather than follow the trend.
What is your back tattoo? If you want to get one, what design do you want?

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If you want to see more blog,please click here: Wormhole Tattoo